Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Venerable Pauline Jaricot

"Do you object to the prayer of the Holy Rosary, feeling that the invocations are repetitious? Yes, it is like the manna that fell upon the sand in the desert. The Hebrews became bored with it for the very same reason you point out...every day the same manna, insipid and monotonous. And, yet, it sustained their lives!"

Taken from The Rosary, January, 1846


Unknown said...

That is such a beautiful way to describe this. After praying the entire rosary(all Mysteries) out loud recently after Mass with a group of people, I actually felt like the longer I prayed, the better it got. My meditations were deeper and it felt more beneficial than just praying a quick 15 minute rosary.

Kristin said...

You're right, Linda. I wish I savored every word of the Rosary more often! How easily we cast aside precious gifts!